Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Vismaya !

Every time you tap your lil feet, my life is reclaimed.
into your eyes, I dissolve.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tratum wins Pookalam contest!

TuG O' War Contest
Team Lead/Coach : Sujith
Strategy Planner : Prasanth MP
Sujith to Demonstrate / Educate on tips and tricks of the contest by today evening (Snack break)
Note :- Resources with urgent project deliverables are advised to spend minimal time on this entire process.

When you get official emails like these, it sinks in to you that Onam is just around the corner.

And sure did the coach educate the team on how he had lost his 'mundu' when he tug-o-war'ed few years back. Anyways, the idea of our team winning the contest was rendered null and void not by the adventurous briefing by the captain (that is, if you an call the event of losing your 'mundu' in public an adventurous one) but by the fact that we couldn't gather sufficient headcount to satisfy the conditions as put up by the commitee. So we ended up as spectators in the contest while the other teams sweated it out in the sun.

However, it was altogether a different story at the Pookkalam event.

Team Tratum won the 3rd place in the Infopark Pookkalam competition held earlier this morning!

Friday, August 14, 2009

India ..

listen! ..
the temple bells ringing ..
its the Independence day !

India's got talent

They may never spout sound bytes about reality shows. They may never have a huge fan following. They may never become brand ambassadors of Pepsi or Coke.

The world calls them 'majdoors.'
Because, they construct.

They are the ones who, despite the burden on their heads, never get shaky in the leg..They are the ones who move on ..march forward .. build their passion .. their dreams.. their nation .. through the deepest emotion of human spirit.